The Mission

Ever been late for 3rd period class at Waseda because some brilliant minds thought that 1 hour was enough for lunch? 

Ever been lost amongst a sea of eateries and not quite sure what to eat or how to eat it? 

Ever look up restaurants review around Waseda only to come empty handed and frustrated cause you can’t read all of the fancy kanji and WTF?! アタカナ?

Have you been eating at the Conbimi every lunch time and told yourself that the modicore bento was in fact ok and that Orinigiri is all that you ever need to sustain your healthy body? 

Have no fear, the Bearded and the Beardless are here to save you. 

We are going to deliver the in and outs of the Waseda dining experience faster than you can say 'That's BADASS!'

Not only are we going to review a grotesque load of restaurant for you and rate the food, we are going to tell you when to go there and how to get back to Waseda ON TIME. 

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, grow a beard or shave it off, cause this is a  MOTHER F%^&ING REVOLUTION! 

Made by students with and without beards, for students with and without beards.